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Saturday, September 27, 2008

September 27, 2008

It won't take long before they are too big to fit in the bouncy seat together. We went for a weight check today and Owen is topping the scales at 6-15, while Eli is quickly catching up at 5-10. I can't believe that Eli weighs as much as Owen did at birth - especially since Eli still seems so small in comparison. One more weight check to go and then we won't have another appointment until they are two months old. The doctors (and parents!) are so proud of how quickly they are gaining weight.

The funny thing about this picture is the size of Eli's pants. I bought him an actual premie outfit yesterday because I felt bad that he was only wearing onesies while Owen got to cozy up in pajamas, but they are still too big! The tag says "up to 5 pounds," but I'm pretty sure we'll get more use of out the outfit than that.


Trisha said...

This is great! They make me laugh at how they are laying in there. They have the same expressions and same hand positions! Are they getting harder for people to tell apart now that they are getting a bit closer in size? I have a hard time with the pics...maybe it is just me? They are precious!

Anonymous said...

Are those baby gang signs they are throwing up : )

hope you guys are well