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Friday, November 21, 2008

November 21, 2008

The boys headed back to the doctor today to finish up the immunizations, check the Owen's circumcision and hopefully figure out what's going on with their nursing strike. As always, I left with a handful of prescriptions and a 'good luck' with taking care of twins. I decided that parenting should officially be renamed 'do what you have to do to survive' and gave the boys bottles instead of fighting with them to nurse since they already had a rough day. I had to get creative since I only have two hands though, so here's the setup that I arranged. Seemed to work well... a little too well since they seemed to have no problem taking milk from a bottle. That's a bit depressing, but I have hope that we'll work through any union issued and end this strike as soon as possible.

These next two are of Eli... he's just so cute I couldn't choose which one to upload, so I picked both : )

Owen and his chubby cheeks. The scale today says that he's lost 4 ounces from last week because he hasn't been eating as much. Looks to me like he's storing some snacks in his cheeks for later!


Trisha said...

Oh Bethie, hang in there! The boys are so cute...I love their little chubby faces. Owen is giving a Sam a run for his money in the cheek department. Can't wait to meet them in a week! xo