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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

November 25, 2008

What a great (yet exhausting) day! I took the boys to my good friend Georgi's house today to introduce them to her brand new daughter Caroline. She was born (gestationally) one day after the boys were - and looking at how tiny she was I already can't remember Owen and Eli being that small. The craziest thing was that Caroline is 7lb 4oz right now and Eli was three pounds smaller than that when he was born! Looking at them compared to her I felt like they were giants (even though they both still fit a few newborn sized items!) I guess it's all relative. And yes, their onesies say "My Mom's a FOX"!

Afterwards I took the boys to Pine Richland to visit all of my friends and some students from the past and present. I couldn't believe how many people stopped down to see us once word got around that I was there! The boys were a big hit, even though they were exhausted and fussy for a lot of the time we were there. I was so proud of Joe too... I think Owen might have been the first baby he's ever held!