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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

November 4, 2008

Our All American Babies on Election Night 2008

(Owen left and Eli right)

The boys' interests include: sleeping, eating, staring at lamps and politics. We wanted to watch a movie but the boys insisted that we watch Fox News and CNN all night to stay up-to-date on the election.

As you can see, they're on the edge of their seats!


Becky said...

In the first pic, especially, they look like Koslows!

Unknown said...

You can tell they are Charlie's kids. Just like him to get them started early on Fox News. Great pics.

Trisha said...

So cute...I love their little chubby faces!

Anonymous said...

I love the butts pic!! They are just too cute!! Oh, I miss you guys...

Anonymous said...

ps. that last comment was me! Ashley

Unknown said...

How cute! Miss you guys!