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Saturday, December 6, 2008

December 5, 2008

Here's one for the record books...

I can practically hear the UPS guy laughing as he's unloading these from the truck. While we're still trying to figure out if cloth diapers make sense for us, we couldn't exactly go diaperless until we're settled on an answer. Thus, the motherload of Size 2s.


Trisha said...

Is that 10 boxes of diapers?! Wow! Did you find a great deal somewhere or were you just stocking up?

Charlie said...

Here's a link with more info, Trish. It was $17/box with no tax or shipping. For us, getting a good supply for the next few months and not having to wait for coupon deals at Babies R Us or Target made this a great deal.

Side note to anyone interested: I know it's easy to cringe at all these disposable diapers, but studies have shown that disposables have a smaller carbon footprint than cloth diapers unless you air-dry the cloth diapers YEAR-ROUND, use low water temperatures, and keep the cloth diapers for a long time (2.5+ years), which is difficult with smaller babies. We're going to try to transition to cloth diapers once the boys are bigger.