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Sunday, January 11, 2009

January 11, 2009

Today was a day of goodbyes. First, Gramma and Uncle Dan came from Lancaster to take our cats home with them while we're in Texas. It's so much better than giving them to a shelter where their fate would be unknown, but it's still sad to not hear them meowing away right now. (I'm sure that I won't miss hearing a trapped cat meowing over the monitor in the boys' room though!) Luckily Gramma was able to make the drive with Uncle Dan so she could visit with her two favorite great grandkids one more time before we move to Texas.

Today was also my last day having Elise and her kids stay with us. (I must say that for a week alone with four kids, we still managed to look pretty well rested. It's an illusion though, don't let it fool you!) We made the long drive to the airport and I made the long drive home alone. I'm realizing now how quiet it is here without them, the cats and Charlie. I went from visitor overdrive to no one! I would love to relax these next few days but that's not in the cards for me - there's so much to do before we move on Thursday! Owen is coming down with an awful cold, which I'm sure Eli will get soon, and he's requiring a lot of attention, in addition to a million things on my 'to do' list... all without Charlie (who, by the way, will only be home for approximately 18 hours before we fly to Dallas).

As a side note: Blake is napping, not in timeout : )


Kelly said...

I love that picture of you and Elise and the boys! Good clarification... sad to picture you all smiling on the couch and little Blake in the corner scowling :) Love you, praying for much grace as you prepare for the big move! xoxo

Becky said...

Ditto that. Good luck with everything Beth! You can DO IT!