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Friday, January 9, 2009

January 9, 2009

Even though the boys start the night parallel to each other, more often than not, this is how I'll find them in the morning. Last night was rough though on poor Eli though. He and Owen started out about a foot away from each other, as always, but managed to inch their way closer and closer until their heads were touching, as always. Last night was different though - Owen was tossing and turning (more his head than his body) and every time he'd turn his head he'd bang his helmet into Eli, waking him up. He even woke up with a scratch on his cheek from the Velcro on Owen's helmet. That woke me up about 8 times... it was rough on all of us!

I'm hoping this doesn't go down in the "Bad Mom Hall of Fame" as a criminal offense! Eli will hold Froggy in a hug until he's about ready to sleep and then put him right on top of his face. He loves it! Lots of times I'll see this on the monitor and sneak into their room to move the blanket only to discover him licking the satin in his sleep!

Two nights ago I put Owen in bed first and then fed Eli and put him in bed. They both usually go right to sleep, but Eli just kept crying. I watched him on the monitor for awhile and then went in to put his paci back in, only to see that I had forgotten to put Owen's helmet back on before I put him in bed. I got it out of the bathroom, put in on him, and Eli fell right to sleep! I think he was trying to tell me something! Pretty cool, huh?


Trisha said...

I love these pictures. Eli makes me laugh with the blanket over the head. And Owen looks so precious sleeping. You would have no idea that he spent all night beating up on his brother!

Toni said...

Hang in there, Owen! Someday all the other kids will be jealous of how perfectly round your head is.