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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April 29, 2009

Today is equilibrium day - the boys are 34 1/2 weeks old - exactly the amount of time that I was pregnant with them. I thought it would be fun to give an extremely brief, high level pictography (shhh, it's a word now) of January 2008 when we found out we were pregnant, til now, with two boys bursting with life who will be 8 months old TOMORROW! I call this pictography "Oh My Gosh!..."

Oh my gosh... We're gonna have a baby!

Oh my gosh... We're gonna have TWO babies!!

Oh my gosh... When will I have these babies?! (This was taken 5 days before I had them)

Oh my gosh... It's time to have the babies!

Oh my gosh... We have TWO BABIES!

Oh my gosh... these two babies have been on the outside just as long as they were on the inside! They get cuter and more fun every day and I wouldn't change this for the world.

Owen --- Eli


Janice said...

Awww....Loved your "pictography"! My, how time does fly!!!!Congrats on making through 34 1/2 weeks!!!!!