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Monday, June 15, 2009

June 14, 2009

I've been a little behind lately because Grandpa Fox (Charlie's dad) is here in Dallas visiting! We've been pretty busy too, going to a Rangers game, going swimming, walking and biking, touring through Dallas and Plano, and getting to go on a date while Dwight watched the boys! Mostly though, Dwight's been just spending time with the boys and catching up with them in their little lives. We'll miss him when he leaves on Tuesday, but luckily we'll see him soon in Pittsburgh.


Janice said...

Fun! How'd they do at the Rangers game?

Janet said...

Hey, Owen & Eli, thanks for giving Grandpa a grand time! You too, Char & Beth ;)

Anonymous said...

Dad looks so happy!

(ps, word verification = ecudgen. yuck!)