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Thursday, September 16, 2010

September 16, 2010

I wish I could say that Eli is just a natural rock climber... but this is a result of his Pulmicort-induced-rage that has been happening almost every day since he started the medicine. His little body gets so wired and he doesn't know what to do with himself, so when he gets mad about something, he literally climbs the walls, refrigerator, the door knobs... anything that can support his 24 pound frame. I'm not sure what's worse, dealing with a sick child for a couple weeks or dealing with these outbursts from the steroids for the entire winter. Owen, thankfully, has been dealing with the meds pretty well so far, but we might have to reconsider Eli's treatment plan if this keeps up.


ashley said...

Very nice, very nice. Loving the "roid rage" they have going on! You are all in my prayers. :-)